Mandii Pope Art

various charity fundraisers
Various charity fundraisers that have touched my heart in some way that I have felt connected to in some way and wanted to give back and help.
2017 (aug) cure kids auction fundraiser
Cure Kids hosted a evening hosted by Kent Gardener raising awareness for Cure Kids.
I painted a fluid art painting called "Under the Microscope" which was donated to their Fundraising Auction
2013 (Mar) SKIN DEEP Behind the Mask (SDBM) Burlesque and Comedy Fundraiser
Skin Deep Behind the Mask (SDBM) Burlesque and Comedy Fundraiser
CHARITY: The Broadway Bar & Grill 474-476 Fulham Road London SW6
SKIN DEEP Behind the Mask (SDBM) presents…
“NAUGHTY BUT NICE” Burlesque and Comedy Fundraiser on Thursday, 31st of January, 2013
Please visit for further information
Program Includes:
The Original and Premier Burlesque Academy in the UK. Bringing you the Elite in Burlesque training producing some of the finest British Burlesque. Burlesque Baby also specialises in Vintage Entertainment and Vintage themed Hen Events. They pride them selves in producing the best Hen events in the UK and only having classes taught by people who live and breath the Vintage Era.
INDIANA BELLE Burlesque performance à
Indiana is Australian Burlesque Artist. Stylish and alluring on stage, Indiana has a presence that draws in men and women alike whilst performing, her shows are nothing short of a stunning, a reminder of the America Burlesque stage shows of the 1950′s.
BELLE EVE Burlesque performance à
A London based international burlesque artist, cabaret promoter, pin-up model and burlesque teacher.
Special P is known for his observational humour and uses unique expressions and body language from the offset to engage and captivate his audience. He has a cheeky wit and charm with the ladies and gives the guys side ripping lines to take home. It is very rare to find a comedian with such adaptability to cover a wide range of material.
TATI SMIDT Fashion à
Hand finishing clothes, embroidering, accessories design, macramé, knitting, exclusive leather handwork. Has big wide expirience in famous clothing design studios in London: Elisabeth Emmanuel, Alexander McQueen, Aquascutum, Tiffany, Jasper Conran, Giles, Manolo Blahnik, Donald Campbell
Young talented SDBM fashion team has prepared exquisite collection of Burlesque style lingerie from recycled clothing in- keeping with the spectacular atmosphere of Vintage and Burlesque.
VERA NIM Acoustic Live Music Performance à
Singer – Songwriter from Cambridge. Her music is inspired by Wayward Daughter, Daniela Andrade, The XX and the Paper Kites.
The Artwork:
This work “Iced Aloe” has been especially painted for the Skin Deep Charity. I relate to this charity as I have suffered from serve Eczema in the past trying all sorts of potions to cool the cracked/burnt skin. I have chosen cool coloured naming this painting Iced Aloe as I found personally was something that used to help me. My condition wasn’t as severe as others yet I still have an understanding of the pain and wish to help in whichever way I can for this fabulous charity. SKIN DEEP Behind the Mask (SDBM) is a non profit organisation dedicated to supporting sufferers of all types of skin diseases by helping to manage their condition and symptoms. It also aims to educate and raise awareness of the difficulties skin disease patients face and the impact it can have on their families and loved ones. There are valuable independent small charities and support groups that are dedicated to specific diseases. However, skin diseases can be complex and wide ranging in nature with many patients finding they are diagnosed with secondary or additional conditions. Some of the rarest conditions are the most unrepresented by charities with little or no support provided to those in need.
Unlike some illnesses, skin disease is very overt in nature and cannot be easily hidden. The emotional and psychological effects can be as debilitating as the physical complications. It can take its toll not only on the sufferers but on those who support and care for them. SDBM has been established to provide education, support and guidance to sufferers and carers alike for all types of skin diseases. We are not competing with other skin charities, but instead aim to work closely with them in improving research techniques, raising public awareness and providing better support and information.
The UK needs a charity to cater for all types of skin conditions, including the rarest of diseases. Some of the lesser known disorders remain a mystery even to medical experts and as yet have no cure. These sufferers still need a voice and to feel part of an integrated society where they can still enjoy a career and private life outside of a treatment room. Through its continued efforts, SDBM is aiming to provide a valuable resource of information and support for all skin types and conditions.
2013 (Mar) SKIN DEEP Behind the Mask (SDBM) Proud Camden Fundraiser
Skin Deep Behind the Mask (SDBM) Fashion Show/Bands & Art Exhibition
Art Exhibition displaying spin paintings at Proud Camden, London
CHARITY: Proud Camden – Stables Market, Camden Town, NW1 8AH, London
2013 (Mar) Honey Pot Children’s Charity Honey Pot Party The Dorchester
Donation of Artwork
2010 (Aug) Natalie Murphy Breast Cancer Charity Auction
JUST one day before bringing her first child into the world, Natalie Murphy made a devastating discovery.
"I just brushed against myself with my arm and felt a lump in my breast," Natalie, 33, told Sunday News. "I asked my midwife to check it for me. She just said, `It's your milk coming in'.
"Shortly into breastfeeding I got mastitis, which made me think, 'Yep, it's a blocked milk duct'. So I ignored it for months."
But then hungry son Jackson started biting her breast in frustration. "Nothing changed in a week so my gut said, `Go and get that checked out'," she said.
That was early December, and Natalie's GP referred her to a breast clinic. She warned there would probably be a delay because it was nearly Christmas.
Seven weeks later Natalie still had heard nothing.
Natalie says staff told her they had no record of a referral letter. "So by the time I got my appointment, it had been three months [since I had seen the doctor] and it had been seven and a half months since I had first found the lump." Clinic staff had shocking news. "The technician said, `I don't want to frighten you, but from the characteristics we are picking up I am concerned. It's not looking good'. "The lump was the size of a golf ball and was surrounded by four lymph nodes which are normally only present in this way when they are trying to fight something." Natalie was put on the urgent list and she and husband Greg, a self-employed businessman on Auckland's North Shore, were left waiting.
"I thought, `That's OK, it'll be a lumpectomy and worst case scenario I'll have to have a mastectomy'." At her next appointment, Natalie was told by the surgeon to take a deep breath, the lump was cancerous, and her breast would need to be removed. It was already advanced. "It was horrible news but at the same time, I was like, `I'm going to go in to remission, it's fine'," she said. Natalie had a `farewell my lovely boob party' with 60 of her friends the weekend before her operation.
Her nightmare truly unfolded minutes before the scheduled op. "My surgeon walked in and said, `Natalie I'm so sorry, I've had your CAT results. It's [cancer] in your liver, and possibly in your lungs, we can't go ahead with your mastectomy, we need to begin chemo. My husband and I just looked at each other and were like, `Pardon?'."
Natalie was told chemotherapy wouldn't cure her cancer but it would buy her time. "We came home and my whole family was here and we sobbed for hours. I had my whole, `Stuff you, God', screaming fit then." When she met with the oncologist two days later, Natalie was told she had between two to five years to live if she had chemotherapy.
"Greg's sitting there... and we were both like, `That's the best bad news we've ever had'. It was way better than the possibility of only months. I get this time with Jackson, get to see him have his first day at school, all the things that you take for granted that all of a sudden are so important." Natalie is having alternative treatments including ozone therapy [injections of oxygen into the bloodstream] which she credits for her good health throughout the chemo. She is also juicing fruit and vegetables and taking metagenics supplements.
Natalie credits her vitality to her "amazing" husband and to family and friends who have supported her. "Having a son who distracts you and keeps you smiling all day long, who brings you so much joy. Sometimes I forget that I'm sick."
Her constant positivity and strength has inspired others.
"I've had strangers post me money and gifts," Natalie said. "They've heard about me and they say, `You're an inspiration'. My faith in the human spirit has totally been restored. It's made me want to be a better person.
"If I can somehow inspire people to start checking themselves, or appreciate what they have and not take life for granted, then that's enough.
"One of the biggest things that's on my heart, is to tell people is to start checking yourself at 20.
"We all think that just because the free screening doesn't start till 40, that is when we should start worrying about it. I know a girl who got it at 24.
"It's about becoming so familiar with your breasts that by the time something abnormal comes along you know."
Natalie's family are raising funds to pay for her alternative treatments. Items can be donated for auction.
Email, or donations can be made to Natalie F Murphy BNZ 02-0238-0116716-97
2009 Ashley Thompson Charity Auction, Auckland, New Zealand
Ashley Thompson Stems Cells Charity Art Auction - 5th September 2009, Auckland New Zealand
Donation of Artwork
•Ashley Thompson Stems Cells Charity Art Auction Auckland New Zealand 5th September 2009
•I submitted one piece into a charity auction due Septemeber 5th 2009 in Auckland New Zealand for stem cell treatment in the hope of raising $50,000NZD for Ashley Thompson (organised by Sean Aitkenhead from Trade Art Ltd in becoming the first kiwi to be accepted for spine stem cell therapy in New Delhi India to help him walk again.
•See below more information on Ashley Thompson. Fingers crossed my small contribution can raise some much needed cash for a worthy cause.
•————————— Ashley Thompson ———————————-
•Ash has had some amazing news, he’s been accepted for Stem Cell treatment at a private hospital in New Delhi, India. This is something he’s been researching and following for a long time and has huge potential to help him rise up and walk. In the years since his accident Ashley has never lost the hope of recovery; he is positive, mentally and physically prepared, and determined to give this a go, so here’s our chance to rally behind him and help! We have less than two months to raise enough money to get him there for the treatment so any help will be so greatly appreciated. Please get in touch if you have any ideas for fundrasing or anything to donate to his cause, every little bit helps!
We’ll be in touch with information on fundraising events and any other developments.
•Below is some information from Ashley on where he is going and what lies ahead, please read it and feel free to get in touch if you have any queries.
•Information about Dr. Shroff and her treatment:
Dr. Shroff is an infertility expert and she is the very first individual to develop an infinite number of pure human embryonic stem cell lines from using just one embryo. The embryo was used with full consent and would have otherwise been discarded. Shroff’s technology avoids controversial and ethical issues as there is no repeated need for embryos. Theoretically, one cell line can treat the entire human population.
Dr. Shroff’s treatment is ground-breaking. Every day we hear about other treatments around the
globe regarding stem cells (featal, umbilical cord, nasal, rats, mice etc.) and Dr.Shroff has developed the only purely human embryonic stem cell lines that do not show any immune reaction in the body.
•What happens during the treatment program:
I will start the treatment program with an initial three-month visit to India. This initial first visit is followed by several one-month follow-up treatments (if necessary). There is usually a four to six month interval in between each visit. Every day during the entire treatment program I will receive two HESC injections–one in the morning and one at night–seven days per week. In preparation for the spinal procedure, larger doses of stem cells will be administered via intravenous infusion two days per week.
•Stem cells have homing-in capabilities so that once they are injected into the body, they home-in to the injury site, or damaged cells that need repair. When injected they can repair the affected area in addition to restoring the physiological functions of the affected area. In my case the parts of my body with no function should start to fire back into life.
•Important Fact
Out of 150 Spinal cord injured patients suffering from a complete injury, over a period of 1,000 days of human embryonic stem cell treatment, all patients showed 66% improvement. Remember, my level of injury is incomplete so my odds for improvement are greater.
Payment for each individual varies according to their disability and response to HESC treatment. As a guide for 2009, Spinal cord injured patients typically pay US$50,000 for the first three-month treatment, with a US$20,000 fee for each additional month-long treatment (if necessary). The cost includes a private hospital room with private bathroom for patient and caregiver; three meals per day for both, small refrigerator, toaster and hot water kettle included; HESC treatment program; six days per week physical therapy which includes walking with leg braces. Therapy is often twice a day, morning and afternoon. Sundays are rest days free of physical therapy.
•The treatment sounds very full on but I feel I am 100% ready for this. I have been physically and mentally preparing myself for this for a long time. I am going over with an open mind and a positive attitude. To me you can’t put a price on something that could potentially change your life forever. If it can work for me why can’t it work for any other Kiwis in my situation? As far as I’m aware I will be the first New Zealander with a spinal-cord injury to undergo this therapy. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! I’m so grateful for any help and support offered and I hope this trip is successful.
2008 (Oct) ”Rebirth Group Exhibition” Ponsonby, Auckland, New Zealand
Waves of Grief exhibition for Regan McDonnell
Rebirth Exhibition – Art for Grief Campaign, Ponsonby, Auckland, New Zealand
Donation of Artwork
Rebirth - Art Exhibition for Art for Grief Launch – Auckland New Zealand October 2008
•In October 2008, two pieces of the late Regan McDonnell were sent to New Zealand for the Art for Greif “Rebirth Exhibition” hosted by Becks Mc Donnell. A fabulous collection from creative’s offering support through multi media in times of grief.
•The Art of Grief are a Creative Team who are committed to raising grief awareness through the diversity of Art. Nurtured since December 2007 by it’s founder Rebecca McDonell, The Art of Grief, was birthed into action when it launched it’s debut campaign The Waves of Grief in March 2008.
•This campaign delivered a very raw look at the surrounding feelings that can consume and overwhelm us when we find ourselves face to face with our very own wave of grief.
•With an exhibition spanning a story of large photographic stills, music, fashion, documented film and live sculpture this particular campaign was an extremely powerful piece, and a very unique way to show us that we all at some point will face our own wave of grief, and that comfort can be found in knowing that we’re not alone.
•So now we’re aware that we are not alone, I encourage you to use this site as your own lounge room to sit and chat with others, to raise questions and share experiences, to post photo’s, topics, this is your sanction, your space your refuge and we will do our best to support you, and your views. And remember there is no right or wrong way to grieve as long as you’re doing something you’re doing just fine.
2006 (Dec) St Bart’s Winter Ball Charity Auction, London, United Kingdom
St Barts, Hospital Winter Ball, The Brewery, London, United Kingdom
Donation of Artwork
This painting of St Paul’s Cathedral in London was a commission in which was donated for auction for the St Bart’s Hospital London “Heart Cells Appeal” Charity Winter Ball. The painting raised £1000 for the charity in the Auction