Mandii Pope Art

2016 (June - Oct) Pigs Gone Wild - Ipswich 2016 - Boarba Fett
St Elizabeth Hospice has teamed up with Wild in Art to stage Suffolk’s biggest ever mass-participation, public art event – Pigs Gone Wild.
The interactive sculpture trail will feature more than 40 pigs across Ipswich and beyond. This summer, from 27 June to 2 September, you will be able to follow the trail, collect points with our Pigs Gone Wild app and to try to see as many of the sculptures as possible.
The pigs, beautifully decorated by artists and generously sponsored by local businesses, will be on show for 10 weeks this summer. They will be joined by a sounder of junior pig sculptures designed by local school children and teachers, which will appear in litters across the town.
After you have enjoyed Pigs Gone Wild during its 10-week extravaganza, the large pig sculptures will be auctioned to raise funds for St Elizabeth Hospice.
construction - boarba fett
Boarba Fett - Sponsored by @SliExpress Sli Logistics International.
A bacon Bounty Hunter... Star Wars fans are in for treat... A whole new meaning to Pigs in Space
I’m slowly creating a selection of Star Wars characters…. Stormy for GoGo Dragons raised £7,200 and was a favourite, Darth Vader Gorilla for GoGo Gorillas, YoDuck and Princess LayEggs for the Grand Norwich Duck Race. Boarba Fett is a Bounty Hunter out for revenge.
A Star Wars story
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...
Boarba Fett, the most feared Bounty Hunter in all the Universe, has been instructed by Jabba the Hutt to settle the score with Han Solo and Chewbacca the Lion after a row at the Cantina, deep in the Pirate City on the planet Tatooine.
He's set up base in the Suffolk Library camouflaging his ship, the Slave 1 under a mountain of books on the condition he collects bounties for late returns.
Boarba Fett's ruthless and relentless search starts in Ipswich UK, in a number of @SliExpress vehicles to appear unnoticed in his pursuit for the Millenium Falcon, Hans Solo and Chewbacca the Lion.