Mandii Pope Art

public art
All Public Art creations have been to raise awareness and funds for charities around the globe with various Public Art Trails.
These trails have taken me all over the UK and New Zealand. They encourage locals to explore the city and give families fun, free entertainment to find them all. After the trail the sculptures are auctioned for the local charity.
Most of these Public Charity Art Trails have been in partnership with Wild in Art. A global leader in sculpture trails.
Public art events that entertain, enrich, inform and leave a lasting legacy.
Since 2008 Wild in Art has animated cities across the world including Manchester, Sydney, Melbourne, Cape Town and São Paulo, and created public art events for the London 2012 Olympics, the 2014 Commonwealth Games in Glasgow, Historic Royal Palaces and Penguin Random House.
Connecting businesses, artists and communities through the power of creativity, our events to date have enabled more than £15 million to be raised for charitable causes through auctions alone and helped millions of people of all ages to experience art in non-traditional settings.
Being creative through the medium of art not only gives people a voice, it’s also beneficial to health and wellbeing.
Taking part in our events has never felt so good.
“It's fabulous to be a part of something where everyone is a winner – the sponsor gets recognition, the artist gets paid, the public get free art and the auction raises money for a good cause.”
2019 (July- Oct) Oor Wullie Bucket Trail - Choose Life (Renton - Trainspotting)
2018 (July) The Grand Norwich Duck Race - Admiral Quackbar
2018 (Mar – Jun) maggies penguin parade dundee, scotland - r2dundee2 penguin
2018 (Mar – Jun) gogo hares - norwich - ketts oak hare
2018 (Mar-Jun) The Big Hoot Auckland, New Zealand - BB-Owl
2017 (Mar – Oct Hare Festival Cotswolds– Lake Hare
2017 (June – Sept) Moor Otters Dartmoor – Ewok Otter
2017 (July) The Grand Norwich Duck Race - BB-Drake, James Pond
2016 (Sept - Nov) Great North Snowdogs - Pawdington
2016 (July - Oct) Pigs Gone Wild - Boarba Fett
2016 (Oct) Rosemary's Bookbench (Public Art Commission)
2016 (Oct) Cow Repair (Public Art Commission)
2016 (July - Oct) Gnomes Unearthed - Umbriel
2016 (July - Oct) Pride of Paisley - Chewbacca the Lion
2016 (July - Oct) Great Big Rhinos for Paignton Zoo - AquamaRhino
2016 (July - Oct) Great Big Rhinos for Paignton Zoo - Rhinosaur
2016 (July - Sept) Oor Wullie Bucket Trail - Wullie Wallace
2015 (Oct) Landmark Plc Bookbench (Public Art Commission)
2015 (Jun - Oct) The Barons Charter 2015 - Winter Solstice Stonehenge Druid
2015 (Jun - Oct) GoGo Dragons 2015 - Oakley GoGoDragon
2015 (Jun - Oct) GoGo Dragons 2015 - Stormy GoGoDragon
2015 (July) The Grand Norwich Duck Race - Princess LayEggs
2015 (Feb) The Big Egg Hunt NZ- Aotearoatiki
2014 (Oct - Feb) Christchurch Stands Tall - Moa Giraffe
2014 (Oct - Feb) Christchurch Stands Tall - The Longest Girink in Town
2014 (Oct - Feb) TFL Year of The Bus - Buckingham Palace Bus
2014 (Oct - Feb) TFL Year of The Bus - Icon Bus
2014 (July) The Grand Norwich Duck Race - YoDuck
2014 (May-Sept) Wild Dolphins Aberdeen
2014 (April-Oct) Books About Town - Agatha Christie - The Greenshaw Folly
2014 (April-Oct) Books About Town - Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
2014 (April-Oct) Books About Town - An Elephant for Breakfast
2013 (March/July) Great Gorillas Project Paignton Zoo (Darth Vader Gorilla)